What is http?
Http means hypertext
transfer protocol which is present in application layer of the network which is
used to exchange or transfer hypertext. For more read here
What is https?
Https is nothing but
hypertext transfer protocol Secure,
this can be achieved by implementing the SSL in your application.
Https Vs SSL
Http is a protocol
in application layer and SSL is nothing but Secure sockets Layer, implemented
in transport layer. SSL implements secured bi-directional tunnel for two hosts
to communicate. So when SSL is implemented in our website, the http can
communicate in the tunnel created by the SSL.
How to get SSL
SSL can be bought online and there are many companies
provide SSL like comodo, verisign, trustsign etc. You can learn more about
buy SSL @ https://www.sslshopper.com/how-to-order-an-ssl-certificate.html.
You also get free ssl from StartSSL
Let us look into the example on how to implement SSL in your
azure website. Considering you have
already bought the SSL using any one of the vendor. We used trustsign in our
organisation for buying ssl certificate.
Let us consider the url of the azure web application be SSLimplement.azurwebsites.net
and we need to implement the ssl for this application. But we might not use the
same azure url for the enduser, so it will be an customized domain url and we
can call it as SSLimplementDemo.com.
Note: By Default, all *. azurwebsites.net can be accessed
using https and also http. SSL is implemented by default.
You need to add the cname in your domain registrar and also
add your azure url.
Go to Configure tab and navigate to “Manage domain” and then click it.
Once this is setup you can access SSLimplement.azurwebsites.net
using SSLimplementDemo.com URL. Test it
in your browser.
You need pfx key to configure your web app to https compatible in azure and
assign the ssl bindings.
You need below keys provided by your SSL provider to create
pfx file.
Private Key generally .key extension
Certificate (public key) generally in cer extension
Intermediate certificate Key – generally in PEM
Password used to encrypt the pfx file that will be
Note: above all keys can also be present in a file with txt
extension. File can be of any name or extension it does not matter.
Now you need to create pfx file using OpenSSL You can
download the setup for Openssl.exe here
Now run the below command to create the pfx file. You need
to open your command prompt and paste the altered command as per your
Above command will create the pfx file in the same folder
unless specified otherwise, with following message
Then navigate back to azure portal.
Click on Upload certificate and upload the pfx file created.
Enter the password used while creating the pfx file
Now you can see the ssl certificate in the ssl bindings, populated as dropdown data,
select them and save your azure web app.
Once your application changes are saved you can navigate to
the app using the https url , https:// SSLimplementDemo.com and test them.
Note: Now your web application can accept both http and
https request, if you want to limit your application to https only then you need to
change in web.config.
Add below code in <System.webserver>
<rewrite xdt:Transform="Insert">
<rule name="Force HTTPS" enabled="true">
<match url="(.*)" ignoreCase="false" />
<add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="off" />
<action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1}" appendQueryString="true" redirectType="Permanent" />
Above configuration will redirect any http request with 301
http code to https url. Above example is for .net based azure web application, for other servers such as apache/NodeJS visit here
You can start testing the Https in the browser make sure you
see a green lock symbol to check https implementation is fine.
Post SSL Implementation Issues
Mostly the issues I faced after converting my http application to https application is mixed content error,where we have used any external reference url in our web app, that is pointing to http link(Check script/link tag), you need to change them to https link in your application.
Great blog . I really liked it thank you
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