Environment: Windows 7, 8.(While using Docker Toolbox)
Action: Running command:- docker run hello-world
Error Message : Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally Pulling repository docker.io/library/hello-world
Solution: Add below code to "C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\start.sh" at the end of file.
Environment: Windows 7, 8.(While using Docker Toolbox)
Action : Running angular based dockerfile which has npm install
Error Message: npm returned non-zero exit code
Solution: Increase your Ram size in your vagrant VM.
Environment: Windows 7, 8.(While using Docker Toolbox)
Solution: Check the indentation and tab spacing, roughly the indention should proper key value pair as below.
Environment: Windows 7, 8.(While using Docker Toolbox)
Action : Docker run throws below error when the angular-cli created angular app when run does not show the app in the browser.
Error Message: Invalid Host header
Solution: Change the package.json in your angular 2 app with the below value.
Environment: Windows 10
Error Message: "A firewall is blocking file Sharing between Windows and the
containers. See documentation for more info."
Solution: Run the below script in powershell.
Set-NetConnectionProfile -interfacealias "vEthernet (DockerNAT)" -NetworkCategory Private